인공위성의 원리, 발사과정, 로켓 재활용 시대, 일론 머스크의 삶

오늘은 전 세계 국가와 국민이 관심을 갖고 있는 인공위성에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다. 발사 과정에 숨어 있는 과학적 원리는 물론 우주로 떠도는 로켓 쓰레기를 요즘 어떻게 처리하고 있는지 일론 머스크의 스페이스X에 대한 이야기와 감동 실화 영상도 함께 합니다. 먼저 다음과 네이버 백과에 소개된 내용을 바탕으로 인공위성을 짧게 소개하겠습니다. 오늘은 전 세계 국가와 국민이 관심을 갖고 있는 인공위성에 대해 이야기하고자 합니다. 발사 과정에 숨어 있는 과학적 원리는 물론 우주로 떠도는 로켓 쓰레기를 요즘 어떻게 처리하고 있는지 일론 머스크의 스페이스X에 대한 이야기와 감동 실화 영상도 함께 합니다. 먼저 다음과 네이버 백과에 소개된 내용을 바탕으로 인공위성을 짧게 소개하겠습니다.

1. 인공위성 유인과 무인 두 가지가 있는데, 대부분이 무인 인공위성입니다. 궤도 비행하는 인공위성에 대한 착상은 아이작 뉴턴이 자신의 저서 <자연철학의 수학적 원리>(1687)에서 처음 제안했습니다. 1. 인공위성 유인과 무인 두 가지가 있는데, 대부분이 무인 인공위성입니다. 궤도 비행하는 인공위성에 대한 착상은 아이작 뉴턴이 자신의 저서 <자연철학의 수학적 원리>(1687)에서 처음 제안했습니다.

<사진> Andrey Armyagov/Shutterstock.com <사진> Andrey Armyagov/Shutterstock.com

He said shells fired at very fast speeds parallel to the horizon from the top of the mountain would orbit the earth before falling to the ground. “Objects try to fall directly to the surface due to gravity, but objects fall along curved paths depending on their momentum. If the speed increases, the object will either rise to a stable orbit like the moon’s orbit or completely deviate from the earth. On October 4, 1957, about 300 years after Newton proposed the theory, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1. The United States launched Explorer 1 into orbit for the first time three months later on January 31, 1958. – [Source] Encyclopedia Daum 2. It can be explained in the form of a trajectory formed by the principle of satellites and horizontally fired shells parallel to the ground. He said shells fired at very fast speeds parallel to the horizon from the top of the mountain would orbit the earth before falling to the ground. “Objects try to fall directly to the surface due to gravity, but objects fall along curved paths depending on their momentum. If the speed increases, the object will either rise to a stable orbit like the moon’s orbit or completely deviate from the earth. On October 4, 1957, about 300 years after Newton proposed the theory, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1. The United States launched Explorer 1 into orbit for the first time three months later on January 31, 1958. – [Source] Encyclopedia Daum 2. It can be explained in the form of a trajectory formed by the principle of satellites and horizontally fired shells parallel to the ground.

<Figure. Relationship between firing speed and generation trajectory of a shell> <Figure. Relationship between shell firing speed and formation trajectory >

Imagine increasing the speed of a shell fired little by little from 1 kilometer per second. The distance the shell will fly will increase little by little, and theoretically, if the speed of the shell reaches 7.9 kilometers per second, it will continue to orbit the earth without falling back to the ground. And if the speed of the shell exceeds 11.2 kilometers per second, it will escape the Earth’s gravitational sphere. In the end, satellites with speeds of more than 7.9 kilometers per second and less than 11.2 kilometers per second will orbit the earth by gravity. At this time, if the flight speed is 7.9 kilometers per second, it becomes a circular orbit, and if it is more than that, it becomes an elliptical orbit with the center of the earth as one focus. – [Source] Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia 3. The satellite launch process and still satellite pictures are time-by-time models of the satellite launch process. The first fuel rocket used as the launch propellant is separated, and the pairing used to protect the satellite from heat and pressure while it leaves the atmosphere is separated. Imagine increasing the speed of a shell fired little by little from 1 kilometer per second. The distance the shell will fly will increase little by little, and theoretically, if the speed of the shell reaches 7.9 kilometers per second, it will continue to orbit the earth without falling back to the ground. And if the speed of the shell exceeds 11.2 kilometers per second, it will escape the Earth’s gravitational sphere. In the end, satellites with speeds of more than 7.9 kilometers per second and less than 11.2 kilometers per second will orbit the earth by gravity. At this time, if the flight speed is 7.9 kilometers per second, it becomes a circular orbit, and if it is more than that, it becomes an elliptical orbit with the center of the earth as one focus. – [Source] Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia 3. The satellite launch process and still satellite pictures are time-by-time models of the satellite launch process. The first fuel rocket used as the launch propellant is separated, and the pairing used to protect the satellite from heat and pressure while it leaves the atmosphere is separated.

<Figure: Launch process of artificial satellite (book caravan)> <Figure: Launch process of artificial satellite (book caravan)>

Static satellites: Satellites that orbit the Earth at the same period as the Earth’s rotation cycle appear to be relatively stopped, but these satellites are called static satellites. The period of a geostationary satellite must be 24 hours, so if calculated officially, the altitude of the satellite is h=36,000 km, which is about 5.6 times higher than the Earth’s radius. – A Kind Scientific Dictionary (Physical Edition) 4. The principle of launching satellites is the third law of motion, the law of action and reaction. The law of action and reaction is a force that acts oppositely on two objects, and when launching a satellite, it injects gas or gas in the opposite direction, and the rocket is launched with its propulsion. Static satellites: Satellites that orbit the Earth at the same period as the Earth’s rotation cycle appear to be relatively stopped, but these satellites are called static satellites. The period of a geostationary satellite must be 24 hours, so if calculated officially, the altitude of the satellite is h=36,000 km, which is about 5.6 times higher than the Earth’s radius. – A Kind Scientific Dictionary (Physical Edition) 4. The principle of launching satellites is the third law of motion, the law of action and reaction. The law of action and reaction is a force that acts oppositely on two objects, and when launching a satellite, it injects gas or gas in the opposite direction, and the rocket is launched with its propulsion.

ⓒWikilmages, 출처 Pixabay ⓒWikilmages, 출처 Pixabay

5. Many rockets have been launched into space so far after the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket was launched in 1926, the age of rocket recycling. However, after completing the rocket’s mission, it was all about returning in the form of old iron, not being able to return to Earth, all shattered. However, it is said that the first-stage propulsion rocket returned safely to Earth after completing its mission after the rocket Falcon 9 succeeded in entering orbit in 2015. This was a major event for astronomical expensive space development. Reclaiming propulsion rockets can reduce huge economic costs, and in fact, recycling rockets can reduce space launch costs by less than one-hundredth, which is very economically and environmentally significant. – A Kind Science Dictionary (Physical Edition) This is the imagination of Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, and Hwaseong Colonial Construction, who safely returned the first-stage propulsion rocket to Earth in 2015. 5. Many rockets have been launched into space so far after the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket was launched in 1926, the age of rocket recycling. However, after completing the rocket’s mission, it was all about returning in the form of old iron, not being able to return to Earth, all shattered. However, it is said that the first-stage propulsion rocket returned safely to Earth after completing its mission after the rocket Falcon 9 succeeded in entering orbit in 2015. This was a major event for astronomical expensive space development. Reclaiming propulsion rockets can reduce huge economic costs, and in fact, recycling rockets can reduce space launch costs by less than one-hundredth, which is very economically and environmentally significant. – A Kind Science Dictionary (Physical Edition) This is the imagination of Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, and Hwaseong Colonial Construction, who safely returned the first-stage propulsion rocket to Earth in 2015.

<Picture: Hwaseong Colonial Construction Imagination – Source NASA> <Picture: Hwaseong Colonial Construction Imagination – Source NASA>

Elon Musk is amazing and unique. He said he would develop Mars because the earth would perish, so he built a company called SpaceX, and established a TESLA (Tesla) automobile company because he needed a car to ride on Mars. And one of the businesses he also invests in is the Internet. It will launch 40,000 satellites to Earth, enabling ultra-high-speed communication to the North Pole and Amazon. It is said that it is 40 times faster than the existing Internet. It may be good for the world to become one, but there are many complaints from relatively small companies. Elon Musk is amazing and unique. He said he would develop Mars because the earth would perish, so he built a company called SpaceX, and established a TESLA (Tesla) automobile company because he needed a car to ride on Mars. And one of the businesses he also invests in is the Internet. It will launch 40,000 satellites to Earth, enabling ultra-high-speed communication to the North Pole and Amazon. It is said that it is 40 times faster than the existing Internet. It may be good for the world to become one, but there are many complaints from relatively small companies.

<After class> I was very surprised at first because our children didn’t know much about satellites as much as I thought. However, because of that, I looked at everything strangely and ended up all in the class, which turned out to be a good class. Through Newton’s gravity, law of universal gravitation and reaction, law of inertia, balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces, solar energy, and Elon Musk, it was a class that made me think, “I’m worried and excited to see life in front of me. What can I do for others?” I heard that Elon Musk has become the world’s richest man, and if his life is really true, I would like to applaud him. And I hope his special ideas will really help the earth. <After class> I was very surprised at first because our children didn’t know much about satellites as much as I thought. However, because of that, I looked at everything strangely and ended up all in the class, which turned out to be a good class. Through Newton’s gravity, law of universal gravitation and reaction, law of inertia, balance of centrifugal and centripetal forces, solar energy, and Elon Musk, it was a class that made me think, “I’m worried and excited to see life in front of me. What can I do for others?” I heard that Elon Musk has become the world’s richest man, and if his life is really true, I would like to applaud him. And I hope his special ideas will really help the earth.

*I’ll link to the Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia. I have a lot to read, so it’s good for reading and talking with children. *I’ll link to the Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia. I have a lot to read, so it’s good for reading and talking with children.

Elon Musk cheater, billionaire, genius engineer. It is a phrase that embellishes “Tony Stark,” the main character of Marvel’s science fiction movie “Iron Man.” John Favreau, the director of the movie Iron Man, remade the original cartoon character Iron Man (1963), and modeled it on the modern version of Tony Stark. (See TIME’s 100 people who most affected world in 2010) Elon Musk, a real person, and Tony Stark, a character in the movie, have a lot of similarities. 40s… terms.naver.com Elon Musk cheater, billionaire, genius engineer. It is a phrase that embellishes “Tony Stark,” the main character of Marvel’s science fiction movie “Iron Man.” John Favreau, the director of the movie Iron Man, remade the original cartoon character Iron Man (1963), and modeled it on the modern version of Tony Stark. (See TIME’s 100 people who most affected world in 2010) Elon Musk, a real person, and Tony Stark, a character in the movie, have a lot of similarities. 40代…···terms.naver.com

*This is a video of Elon Musk’s “Falcon Heavy” first-stage propulsion rocket returning to Earth. I recommend it. *This is a video of Elon Musk’s “Falcon Heavy” first-stage propulsion rocket returning to Earth. I recommend it.


*After completing satellite classes, new news was announced again on January 25, 2021. A single rocket launched 143 satellites, the largest ever. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has now turned into a golden egg-laying goose. On the other hand, I can’t keep upgrading my blog every time news comes out, so I’m in trouble. According to recent news, it is already the fourth time that a return has failed. Praying that his real efforts will shine, I beg your pardon. “If it helps, please give us a “”comment”” or “”like””.” *After completing satellite classes, new news was announced again on January 25, 2021. A single rocket launched 143 satellites, the largest ever. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has now turned into a golden egg-laying goose. On the other hand, I can’t keep upgrading my blog every time news comes out, so I’m in trouble. According to recent news, it is already the fourth time that a return has failed. Praying that his real efforts will shine, I beg your pardon. “If it helps, please give us a “”comment”” or “”like””.”


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